District News and Notes
January 2025
2025 Board of Education Members
Darin Nye - Board President (Athletics Board of Control)
Darrell Tiell - Board Vice President (Audit Committee Member)
Jeff Hohman
Erin Love (OSBA Legislative)
Jaclyn Schalk (Student Achievement)
Vanguard Sentinel Representative from New Riegel
Fundraisers Approved
National Honor Society - Penny Wars
Junior Class - UnFundraiser
Cheerleading - Battle of Bullfrog Road Shirts
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Homecoming Court: Freshmen - Addi Brinker and Ty Lowry, Sophomores - Adrie Clouse and Clayton Gabel, and Juniors - Ruthann Baughman and Max Hershman. Senior Court Attendants are as follows: Queen candidates - Carys Allison, Ashlyn Bouillon, and Lizzy Clouse and King candidates - Brady Goshe, Shane Jones, and Hayden Thompson.
Sentinel students of the month for December are: Aaron Theis – Digital Technologies and Kaiden Jones – Electrical Trades.
On December 9, this year’s American Legion Americanism Test winners were announced at the County level. Winners from New Riegel are: Sophomores – Sam Clouse and Adrie Clouse, Junior – Jaiden Risner, and Seniors – Jayden Nye and Macy Schubach. Tests will advance to the state level.
On January 9, this year’s American Legion Americanism Test winners were announced at the District level. Winners from New Riegel are: Sophomores – Sam Clouse and Adrie Clouse. Scores will now advance to the state level.
Seventh-grade Power of the Pen writer, Asher Schreiner, was selected for publishing with his poem, The Red Harvest Moon. The poem will appear in a book with other poems by students from around the country this spring!
The Seneca County Auditor’s Office conducts an annual coloring contest that is open to students residing in Seneca County in grades KG through grade 3. Olivia Mathias who is a second grader at New Riegel is the winner of the contest this year!
2025 Board Meetings
Monthly Agenda Items Approved
Treasurer’s Report Approved
Renewal of a $500,000.00 CD from First National Bank of Sycamore for a term of 12 months paying 3.93%
Approval of the July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 alternative tax budget and forward the same to the Seneca County Budget Commission.
Student Activities
Ren Rally - we will have our 2nd quarter Academic RenRally for K-12. Staff members have a chance to recognize students for the 2nd quarter in the areas of Amazing Effort, Respect, Compassionate Heart, Time Management.
January’s grades 6-12 advisory included the topic on Habits. Discussing forming good habits, breaking up with bad habits - uses an All In- One Dribble at a Time idea. Each student gets a cutout basketball to fill out. On that basketball, they will write either a habit they want to break, or a habit they want to commit to for this year, which are displayed in the auditeria.
Chili Cook-off - Saturday, January 18. This will be a Junior Cheer Clinic night as well.
Nets for Vets- Thursday, February 13 against Calvert. Proceeds from shirt sales to support Seneca County Honor Bus. Website to order will go live on January 15.
January Board Presentation