Voice Recognition

New Riegel Local Schools

Quality Education in a Small School Setting

New Riegel Local School District News Article

Monthly News and Notes - May

District News and Notes 

May 2024

Graduation is Sunday, May 19 @ 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.   


The chiller is operational as of May 3, 2024.  

Policy Updates

Policy 2623 - Student Assessment and Academic Intervention Services (Revised)

This policy has been revised to include the requirement included in HB 33 that, by June 30 of each year, schools must provide parents with a student's score on any state assessment administered to the student. Notice may be sent by mail or email, or posted in the district's online portal. Additional information about reporting student results for state tests can be found here. Also, legal citations and cross references have been updated.

Policy 2623.02 - Third Grade Reading Guarantee (Revised)

This policy has been revised to reflect current administration windows for student assessments, found in R.C. 3313.608 and R.C. 3313.0715. 

Policy 3120.04 - Employment of Substitutes (Revised)

This policy includes a minor change prompted by HB 33, reflecting that districts may employ student teachers as substitute teachers on a semester-to-semester basis upon approval by the board. Schools will need to confirm that the student teacher's college or university allows their students to be paid substitutes.

Policy 3140 - Termination and Resignation (Revised)

This policy has been revised to reflect changes in HB 33 permitting districts to provide notice of the Board's intention to terminate a professional employee by regular mail with a certificate of mailing, electronic mail with proof of delivery, or other method with proof of delivery. It is critical that the district obtains proof that the notice was received, regardless of the means of delivery.

Policy 4124 - Employment Contract (Revised)

This policy has been revised to reflect changes in HB 33 permitting districts to provide notice of the Board's intention not to re-employ a classified staff member by regular mail with a certificate of mailing, electronic mail with proof of delivery, or other method with proof of delivery. It is critical that the district obtains proof that the notice was received, regardless of the means of delivery.

Policy 4140 - Termination and Resignation (Revised)

This policy has been revised to reflect changes in HB 33 permitting districts to provide notice of the Board's intention to terminate a classified staff member by regular mail with a certificate of mailing, electronic mail with proof of delivery, or other method with proof of delivery. It is critical that the district obtains proof that the notice was received, regardless of the means of delivery.

Policy 5310 - Health Services (Revised)

This policy has been revised to reflect that Ohio law (R.C. 3313.6413) now requires each traditional public school district, community school, STEM school, chartered nonpublic school, and other public school with school buildings that enroll girls in grades six (6) through twelve (12) to provide free menstrual products (HB 33). Schools may choose to provide free products to a broader range of grade levels. Further information can be found here.

Policy 8600 - Transportation (Revised) 

Ohio law limits how far a student in grades k-8 can walk (two (2) miles). However, there is no technical limit for high school students. We have added a drafting note informing districts that school bus drivers meet the qualifications to drive vehicles other than school buses. That said, districts may require that drivers complete other training modules, such as school van driver training. An individual does not need a CDL to drive vehicles other than school buses.  See Board Policy 8650, below, for more information regarding qualifications to drive district vehicles. Finally, we have corrected a minor typo and added cross references to other applicable policies. 

Policy 8600.04 - Bus Driver Certification (Revised)

This policy has been revised to add cross references to relevant policies, update references to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, and properly reference "school vehicles."

Policy 8640 - Transportation for Non-Routine Trips (Revised)

The title of this policy has been updated for accuracy. In addition, it has been revised to recognize that a district may charge the personnel costs associated with the driver's time and/or mileage costs. These are actually two (2) separate costs that a district reports and tracks. Therefore, it is important that districts have a way to recoup costs of a driver, who will be paid on an hourly basis. Finally, we have added cross references to other related policies.

Policy 8650 - Transportation by Vehicles Other Than School Buses (Revised)

Because the administrative code uses the term "vehicle," and the revised code uses the term "van," this policy has been revised and expanded to refer to vehicles other than school buses. Both of the above-referenced terms are used in law, so there does not appear to be a preferred term, and we do not believe that one term has a different legal effect than the other. Also, the policy has been revised to reflect that drivers of non-routine vehicles like vans do not need a CDL. However, if someone meets requirements to drive a bus (which includes a CDL), they are also qualified to drive vans/nonroutine vehicles. 

Policy 8660 - Incidental Transportation of Students by Private Vehicle (Revised)

OAC (A.C.) 3301-83-19, which is part of the approved transportation regulations, addresses routine use of vehicles, including regular use of a personal vehicle in the transport of students, at the direction of the school. OAC 3301-83-19 provides rules governing the transportation of students in authorized vehicles. Incidental use of a personal vehicle in the transport of school students (for example, an unexpected situation in which a principal or staff member needs to drive a sick student home from school or a field trip) is not regulated in this section of the administrative code.  

Student Activities

Right to Read Week: Students enjoyed a variety of activities to promote reading.  Guest readers visited classrooms each day, along with 4 author visits.  Students were challenged to read and record books in order to win a surprise by trying to dunk Mrs. Barrows in the dunk tank.  It was a fun and meaningful week that promoted reading.

Bob Party: We will celebrate all of the learning and achievements of students from the beginning of the year.  Teachers selected Bob winners who put forth great effort to show what they know on assessments.  All students will receive a chance to pie a teacher in the face.  Ms. Gretzinger’s father is our Bob mascot and will make an appearance during the party on May 23rd.

Fun Day: Fun day will take place on May 22nd.  With support from the PTO and parent volunteers, students will enjoy field day activities, bouncy houses and much more.

Jacket Leadership traveled to Ronald McDonald House in Toledo on Friday, April 26th where they prepared lunch and did activities around the house to get ready for spring. 

HL/NR Bullfrog Jazz Night was held at Hopewell Loudon on April 20th.  This was the first combined jazz event and featured dinner.

The Language Club took 50 students to Xcaret Mexican restaurant for their yearly lunch outing. 

Curriculum and Instruction

All state assessments have been completed along with Spring NWEA for ELA and Math.  In grades K-5, New Riegel had an average of 82% proficiency on the NWEA ELA and 76% proficiency on the NWEA Math.  Ohio State Test results will be delivered at the beginning of June.

Testing season has come to an end. We had good attendance on testing days which helped us to have limited makeup sessions.

Our sophomore students successfully completed the  Pre-ACT testing on Tuesday, April 30th. 

Our high school students celebrated Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23rd with class celebrations which included trivia, signature competitions and is this a Taylor Swift lyric or a William Shakespeare sonnet game.

Our careers classes were able to participate in simulated activities from the healthcare career cluster using virtual reality glasses and software provided by Ohio Means Jobs Seneca County.  

Mrs. Barrows and Mrs. Zeno listened to Ms. Tilse’s class school improvement presentations. We heard pitches about making the school day start later, adding a gaga ball court to the playground, construction of a volleyball court by the junior high playground and eliminating timed state testing from the students.  

Family / Community Events

Staff were treated to many surprises to show appreciation for all they do.  The PTO provided a water bar where staff could mix flavors in water all week long.  In addition, PTO provided lunch on Thursday.  Administration provided lunch on Tuesday, mini massages and a small spa gift.  All of the staff was very appreciative of these gifts and recognition.

Encore Showcase was held on Sunday, April 21st with great attendance.  Our grade level music and band classes performed along with our 8th grade boys choir and junior high band followed by the HS Choir, Band, Jacket Company and Jazz Band in addition to the student art work and empty bowls project. 

Drive your tractor to school day, planned by the FFA, was held on Friday, April 19th.  The students had breakfast in the parking lot and put together a parade for the elementary students in the afternoon.  

Jacket Leadership planned a toiletry and wish list collection for Ronald McDonald House stuff the truck event ending at the New Riegel vs Carey baseball Game.  Our students and community donated 454 items. Those items combined with the 224 items from Carey were taken to RMH by our students.  

Fundraisers Approved


Elementary Boys Basketball Camp, Elementary Girls Basketball Camp

Lifetouch Pictures

BSN Sideline Store

May Contract Approvals

3 Year

Brad Radison            Treasurer

1 Year

Elementary Teacher            Shelby Hemminger   

Coaching Contracts

Asst. Boys Basketball         Derek Sallee

7 th Grade Boys Basketball     Ryan Clouse

8 th Grade Volleyball         Amy Cleland

Junior High Cheerleading         Genna Staib

School Year Weight Room         Kristen Tiell

Summer Weight Room         Kristen Tiell

Boys Basketball Announcer     Kristen Tiell

Gameday Medical Staff        Stephanie Dietz

Advisor Contracts

Musical Director             Nikki Kleba/Maureen Berney

Instrument Music Director         Nikki Kleba

Vocal Music Director         Maureen Berney/Nikki Kleba

Jacket Company             Maureen Berney

Elementary Christmas Special     Maureen Berney/Nikki Kleba

Math Advisor – Elementary     Amy Watson/Janet Ink/Beth Hammer

Literacy Advisor – Elementary     Kayla Gretzinger/Jami B./Bethany B.

Kindness Club             Bethany Boehler

Elementary Student Council     Bethany Boehler

Art Club                 Claire Hibbard

Language Club             Steve Reser

S.A.D.D.                 Stephanie Depinet

HS Quiz Bowl             Dan Beisner

Honor Society             Yvonne Burns

Yearbook                 Joyell Zamudio

Student Advisory – HS         Jamie Lininger

Power of the Pen             Katie Richter

Jacket Leadership             Joyell Zamudio

6 th Grade Class Advisor         Kim Alley/John Groth

7 th Grade Class Advisor         Megan Loar/Katie Richter

8 th Grade Class Advisor         Bethany Boehler/Shilo Clouse

Freshman Class Advisor         Yvonne Burns/Jennie Conner

Sophomore Class Advisor         Casey Losey/John Kramer

Junior Class Advisor         Kayla Gretzinger/Claire Hibbard

Senior Class Advisor         Stephanie Depinet/Jamie Lininger

Summer Adult Cleaners

Ray Pollard, Amber Chapman, Greg Scherger

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