Monthly News and Notes - December 2023
December News and Notes
Fundraisers Approved
National Honor Society - Ted’s BBQ
Cheerleading - Bullfrog Road T Shirts
Girls Basketball - Clothing Sale
Calendar Hearing Held
The annual calendar hearing was held for the 24-25 school year. After reviewing the staff vote on the calendar, #1 will be recommended with an adjustment for conferences to be held on Thursday, October 25 and Thursday, November 7.
There was a countywide eclipse meeting at the fairgrounds recently. Concerns include the roadways and ability for safety vehicles to support typical emergencies around the county, cell phone service, non-residents exiting the county on Monday night and Tuesday and overall support for the influx of people to the county.
A design is being created for the auditeria concession stand. Once the design is completed a request for bids will be sent out.
Additional access points will be installed in the junior high gymnasium for an improved wireless capability. This will allow for a permanent solution instead of setting up temporary access points during the required ACT testing. We will use our ERate funding to reduce the cost as this funding discounts items for schools to purchase.
We have received our outdoor learning space plans and will be prioritizing the phases of the project.
Other potential projects for 2024:
baseball fence replacement - December 2023
seal and stripe parking lot - summer 2024
replace broken stadium seats at BB/SB field - spring 2024
concrete replacement and fix - summer 2024
auditeria concession stand - summer 2024
carpet library and selected classrooms - summer 2024
JH gym building exterior painting and repair - summer 2024
Wastewater Treatment Plant
High School Curriculum & Instruction
The class of 2026 under the direction of Casey Losey planned and hosted a program to celebrate Veteran’s Day on Monday, November 13th. The assembly featured a new, interactive format where Veteran’s interacted with our K-12 students and shared artifacts and stories from their time in the service. Students were able to try on uniforms, learn about what it was like to be in the military and see foreign currency and photographs from our local service members. After the assemblies, our guests were served breakfast by the students.
A representative from Seneca CEO presented to our sophomore and junior students about opportunities available through the program. CEO is a year-long program where students are given exposure to entrepreneurial resources available throughout Seneca County. The program meets 4 days per week and students develop and implement business plans with all the necessary support. CEO is free for our students to participate in.
Students in Health 10 were challenged to replicate their favorite restaurant menu items as a cleaner or healthier alternative. Students prepared chicken wings, pasta alfredo and breakfast sandwiches for staff members to sample.
7th grade intro to Ag constructed race cars. The cars were created using CAD and pieces were 3D printed. Students used friction welding to attach plastic parts together for their models. Woodworking tools such as the band saw, rasp and drill press were used to create their cars. Students raced their cars using CO2. Prizes were handed out for fastest, most creative and best paint scheme.
Language Arts 9 hosted a roaring 20’s party on Monday, December 4th where they completed a character sketch, reflection journal and MLA formatted paper. Students were able to earn extra credit points by dressing as their character.
Midterms and in danger of failing notices were sent out prior to Thanksgiving break. Meetings were held with students having multiple low grades and athletes in danger to determine strategies and plans for salvaging quarter 2.
Elementary Curriculum & Instruction
3rd grade took the Fall English Language Arts Assessment results are available. New Riegel scored above the state average. Results and additional resources will be sent home to families.
The January P.D. Day will consist of professional development strategies and resources from our Speech and Occupational Therapist. K-3 staff will have continued learning on our new word study program, Really Great Reading. Staff in grades 3-5 will continue to work on OST author assessments and resources.
High School Student Activities
Club Show Live 2023 featured the band, Jacket Company and 22 student acts taking the stage with professional musicians. Students were able to choose their own solos and duets to perform.
National Honor Society potluck took place on Sunday, November 19th with 18 new members being inducted. There were also 18 senior members who received their stoles for graduation.
Aaron Hohman and Tori Tiell presented at the elementary SAIL meeting about a day in the life of a Sentinel student. Aaron showed students how the wires in a light switch connect to a light bulb to make it work and Tori gave a demonstration on how to do gel nails and the training that goes into it.
Winter Sports Pep Rally was held on November 21st to end the school day before Thanksgiving break. Teams were introduced, the band and flag squad performed and then our high school winter athletes competed in musical chairs and junior high in blanket relay races.
Our final student advisory meeting of the semester was held. Our students brought forward discussion points on the solar eclipse, testing and the restrooms.
Elementary Student Activities
S.A.I.L. Culture: K-5 students and staff continued our theme, Wonderful World, Wonderful Life SAIL theme during this month’s SAIL meeting. This month focussed on the culture of Rome. The message this month is that Failure is Learning. Staff and students will look for opportunities to improve our classrooms, and school environment and culture. Teachers will promote this habit in classrooms and recognition with SAIL tickets.
S.A.I.L. Leadership: Peer sharing during December’s SAIL meeting included presentations from 1st graders who shared their Science project of building towers to hold objects made from straws and paper. Aaron Hohman taught the students about electricity and circuits with a demonstration of wiring a circuit to switch on a lightbulb. Tori Tiell spoke about her studies of Nails and Esthetics at Sentinel.
End of Quarter 2 Rewards - Students will enjoy a Glow Winter Wonderland experience to celebrate all of their achievements during QA 2. There will be games, crafts, and a glow snowball fight with classes competing against one another.
Family / Community Events
Students in grades K-4 performed Sunday, December 3rd for family and friends during their Winter Music Program. The music staff tried a new schedule with K/1, then an intermission and ending with the 2-4 performance in order to allow for more seating. The concerts were well attended and the students performed amazingly.
On December 19th, students will learn about charitable organizations and their work. Gary Arnold from FISH in Tiffin will speak during our SAIL meeting. Students will then give their donations for Gary to use at his facility over the holidays.
The PTO hosted the Christmas Bazaar on December 4th and 5th. Students shopped for family and friends. Helpers assisted in finding gifts, calculating totals and wrapping gifts. for affordable gifts and gift wrapping. Students were excited to place these gifts under their family Christmas tree.
The junior class hosted a Night at the North Pole on December 9th. New Riegel families dropped off their children who had fun watching the Polar Express in their pajamas and enjoyed hot cocoa. This gives parents an opportunity to complete some holiday shopping.
On Wednesday, Kindness Club surprised New Riegel community by delivering small gifts to residents and businesses. They also visited Good Shepherd to play games and deliver gifts for the residents.
On Thursday, 12/14/23, elementary student council members volunteered and rang the bell for the Salvation Army. In addition, the group completed random acts of kindness by giving small surprises to customers at Walmart and also to firefighters at the station.
The class of 2026 has completed a display as part of the Family Fair Lights at the Seneca County Fairgrounds. New Riegel night will be held on Friday, December 15th with Jacket Company performing and the Sophomores working the gate and volunteering throughout the evening. Hayrides through the light display and hot cocoa will also be offered to all guests.